Rekonq: a WebKit browser for KDE
Andrea is Computer Science teacher in the Italian secondary school that sometimes works as Network/Open Source Consultant. When he's not on an external job or playing the Wii with his children, he likes spending his spare time on its preferred hobby: programming!
When he's not on the rock, the ice or in the air, Pierre works as a support
engineer at Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia where he's mainly helping out
commercial customers dealing with Qt bugs. Very passionate about open source
projects such as KDE and WebKit, he joined Rekonq development in August 2010.
Among other things, he worked on a re-write of Rekonq's "new tab page".
Since its arrival in the rather crowded world of web browsers in 2008, Rekonq
has been steadily improving to offer a nice browsing experiencing while
integrating well into the KDE desktop. As it gained exposure from being used as the default browser on several distros, we'd like to present an overview of the project and where it's going, and hopefully get a few people on board.
One of the challenges ahead is coming up with ways to extend/tailor the browser to one's usage. And as Rekonq intends to stay small and lightweight, a plugin/extension system seems much required at this point. We started our researches on this area studying all possible ways to implement such structure and we decided to go with...(you'll discover it in Berlin!)
Another challenge ahead, which is not exactly Rekonq specific has to do with navigation and the concept of tabs in web browsers, and we're eager to explore new ways of organizing the UI in that respect.
More plans for the future will be presented and will hopefully be discussed later, possibly in a BoF.