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Workshops & BoFs

Note: The schedule for pre-registered sessions can be found at the bottom of this page, and you can now create ad-hoc sessions.

The Desktop Summit will have an exciting program of talks. But the most important part of the conference are the Workshops & BoFs. This is the part of the conference where the participants get together, discuss and work on the future of the Free Desktop.

Session Requirements

All forms of activities that aim to further the Free Desktop by getting people together to discuss, work and make decisions are welcomed. Examples of such sessions include BoF, project and cross-project meetings, workshops, hacking sessions and training/teaching sessions. Each session is self-organized and it is up to the hosts and participants to decide if the session is to be loosely oriented around a set of topics, or have a well-defined agenda.

We encourage participants to make use of the fact that the Desktop Summit will bring together people from several different communities, and the unique opportunities this creates.

Reserving a Spot on the Workshop & BoF Days

To register an ad-hoc session, use the following form. This requires logging in to the Desktop Summit wiki (using the same details as on the website). After having created the session page, go to the ad-hoc schedule to find a time and space for it.

Session title:

In case of questions regarding the conference please consult the Desktop Summit web site or contact the Desktop Summit organizing team under


See bottom of the page for the schedule of pre-registered sessions.

For the entire duration of the Workshop & BoF days, Tuesday August 9th to Friday August 12th:

1.102: Desktop Summit team room
1.103 & 1.406: Hacking rooms
1.308/2: Pitivi & GES
1.308/1: TextLayout Summit

There are no pre-registered sessions on Tuesday August 9th, due to the GNOME and KDE annual general meetings. Space for ad-hoc sessions is available.

You can find the BOF schedule here. The Schedule is now on the Desktop Summit 2011 Wiki.